
This page lists all of the rules for the FarLands Minecraft Server. When playing on the server, you must follow each of these rules.

In the event of rule breaking, the player is subject to our Punshment Policy.

Here is a summary of our rules. Click on one or scroll down to read its full description.

  1. No hacking, cheating, or exploits of any kind.
  2. Slurs, hate speech, sexual and/or NSFW (not safe for work) content are prohibited.
  3. Respect other players at all times.
  4. Bypassing restrictions to harass or grief* another player is prohibited.
  5. Spam and/or advertisement of other servers or commercial sites is not allowed.
  6. Mechanisms that induce excessive server lag are not allowed.
  7. You are responsible for managing your own account.
  8. Using an alternate account to evade a ban will result in a permanent ban of both accounts.
  9. Respect all staff and staff decisions.
  10. Rules are subject to common sense. Any attempt to use loopholes or exploits to violate the spirit of these rules is prohibited and subject to enforcement.

*Staff are not responsible for who you trust on your claim(s). If a player griefs a build or steals items on a claim in which they are trusted, staff will not punish that player, restore the build, nor return lost items.

Note: These rules apply to in-game and the Discord where pertinent and are subject to change at any time.

Rule 1

No hacking, cheating, or exploits of any kind.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • x-ray clients (including texture packs)
  • fly hacks
  • PvP hacks
  • aim-bots (or botted accounts of any kind)
  • item duplication.

If a game mechanic is exploited to gain an unfair advantage, then it is up to staff discretion on whether or not to act on such an offense.

Note that the exploitation of known bugs, such as exceeding data limits, that pose a risk of crashing the server or other players, or that could potentially corrupt chunk data is strictly prohibited and may result in a ban.

Also note that if you report a game-breaking bug, you will not be punished or warned as long as you stop exploiting the bug after the initial report, and as long as your exploration of the bug did not cause damage to the server or other players.

Continuing to probe such bugs after reporting them will result in a warning and then a ban.

Rule 2

Slurs, hate speech, sexual and/or NSFW (not safe for work) content are prohibited.

Slurs, hate speech, sexual and/or NSFW (not safe for work) content are prohibited.

  • Speech that derides particular ethnic, religious, or gender/romantic/sexual minorities will result in a punishment and potentially a permanent ban from both in-game and Discord.
  • Links to pornography, or otherwise sexually-charged content, is strictly prohibited since a large portion of our userbase are minors. Gore and other revolting content is also prohibited.
  • Swearing is allowed on the server within reason. If it is directed toward a particular player, you may be asked to stop by the player or a staff member. If you continue, then you may be muted or banned.
  • The discussion of politics, religion, race, and other hot-button topics is not strictly prohibited, however we tend to frown upon such discussion, as it often causes conflict and arguments. If a staff member asks you to take the discussion to DMs or off the server, you must do so or risk getting muted or banned.

Rule 3

Respect other players at all times.

Brigading servers and/or harassing players will not be tolerated. If someone asks you to stop, you should stop.

Also, a player violating a rule in a way that negatively affects you does not give you the right to violate the rules in retaliation; in other words: two wrongs do not make right.

You must ask permission before destroying or modifying large amounts of land near another player's claim. Similarly, you must ask permission before voting for the server on another player's behalf, sending them items via /package, or transferring pets to them.

Rule 4

Bypassing restrictions to harass or grief* another player is prohibited.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Bypassing /ignore to forcibly send messages to another player
  • Scamming or bypassing claim protections to grief builds or steal items
  • Player trapping, killing, or otherwise bypassing the PvP toggle

*Staff are not responsible for who you trust on your claim(s). If a player griefs a build or steals items on a claim in which they are trusted, staff will not punish that player, restore the build, nor return lost items.

Rule 5

Spam and/or advertisement of other servers or commercial sites is not allowed.

Types of spam include, but are not limited to:

  • Repeating a particular word, phrase, or character cluster
  • Flooding chat with walls of text
  • Advertising media unrelated to our server
  • Hopping between voice channels rapidly and/or spamming loud, annoying, or obnoxious noises

Rule 6

Mechanisms that induce excessive server lag are not allowed.

This includes large, complicated redstone mechanisms that run on a clock, overpopulated animal farms, and chunk loaders. The use of an alternate account to load a farm while the main account performs other tasks on the server is considered chunk loading, and may result in a punishment for both accounts.

You can use a second account to load another dimension of a farm that you are currently AFKing at. If one account stops AFKing to do something else on the server, the other account must stop as well.

Some more extraneous violations of this rule include bypassing the AFK checker and building auto-farms in public warps so that other players unknowingly load the farm while you are not in the area.

Rule 7

You are responsible for managing your own account.

We will not pardon a punishment if a sibling or co-user of an account breaks the rules and causes the account to get banned. It is your responsibility to ensure that all users of an account comply with the rules.

Rule 8

Using an alternate account to evade a ban will result in a permanent ban of both accounts.

In other words: ban evasion results in an IP ban. This is only applicable to new accounts: if you and a sibling have both joined the server before, and the sibling gets banned, then you will still be able to play on the server.

Rule 9

Respect all staff and staff decisions.

All players are allowed to appeal a ban on the Discord, however, openly harassing or ridiculing staff will not be tolerated.

Punishment Policy

For minor offenses related to chat, a temporary mute may be issued that will not last more than 24 hours, except in extenuating circumstances.

For major offenses, a punishment (a ban) will be issued to the account of the offending user. The duration of a punishment depends on how many previous offenses a player has:

  • First ban: one day
  • Second ban: three days
  • Third ban: one week
  • Fourth ban: permanent

Note: if a player receives a punishment shortly after joining the server for the first time, their punishment may be made permanent at staff discretion.

After a ban is issued a player may appeal their ban on discord. Video or photographic evidence is almost always collected before a ban is issued, however staff are not required to furnish this to players. Once staff makes a decision on an appeal, that decision is final and will not change except in rare circumstances where new information or evidence is found.