
You can set homes for you to teleport back to! The number of homes that you have depends on your rank. See ranks for more information.

The commands for setting a home are shown below.

If you don't have a home and you sleep in a bed, a home called home will be automatically placed at your new respawn point so you can get back there.

GIF of home teleportation

Homes Commands

Most of the commands are pretty simple and self-explanatory, but here's a complete list of the homes commands

/home [name] Teleport to your home
/sethome [name] Set your home
/movhome [name] Move your home
/delhome [name] Delete your home
/renamehome [name] Rename your home
/swaphomes <name1> <name2> Swap the locations of two homes
/sharehome send <username> <name>Share your home with another player
/sharehome accept <username> [name]Accept a shared home from a player
/sharehome teleport <username> Teleport to a shared home from a player