FarLands Server Lore


Long after civilization was destroyed in a chemical and nuclear holocaust, the world had reverted to a pre-industrial state and magic had re-emerged to supplement science.

The Druids, the wisest of the human race and keepers and protectors of science and magics, created an order in the early days of the fallout to preserve and protect their knowledge from those who would misuse it and bring about another apocalypse.

In an attempt to save the druids keep as well as the last remaining township close-by from the holocaust, the Druids deployed groups of their most trusted and powerful members to seal off and protect the Keep and city from harm.

The small town of Cullhaven stands. This town as well as the druids keep serve as the base of operations for the Druids as the human race attempts to slowly rebuild civilization after the devastation that was wrought on the lands and nearly obliterated the human race.

Not long after the apocalypse, the other races began to emerge. The Druids discovered that the chemicals and fallout that devastated the land had also awoken genetic mutation in the human race, causing dormant genes to flourish and create the races of Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Fairies and Trolls. Unlike the other races, some humans remained unaltered by the effects of the holocaust.

Many years later after much tribulation, most of the races are trying to live in harmony with one another. While some races are fiercely independent and reclusive, others are desperately trying to create a peaceful world that will stand the test of time and not succumb to the wars and destruction that nearly brought about its end all those years ago.

The one thing that all of the races have in common is a new enemy brought about by the horrors of the fallout...the undead.Mutations in DNA of all races have surfaced that brought about a sort of plague that results in some of the wildlife to become hostile and the dead not staying quite so...dead. Zombies and skeletons now roam the earth. Seeming only to fear the sunlight which will burn them if exposed, they are ravenous, hostile creatures that do not communicate and can not be reasoned with. Most humans prefer the safety and comforts of the refuge that the druids used their magics to make float high above the land for safety from these creatures. Very few have dared ventured out, and those who have, have not gone very far.

While the races went through physical transformations, magic began to re-emerge to the lands as well. Knowledge of magics to imbue items with magical properties that assisted them with their daily tasks had been brought to surface, as well as new technologies with magical redstone ores, beacons and conduits. This deepened the divide between races even amongst their own. Many saw the use of magic as unnatural and untrustworthy. However, more and more people are opening up to the advantages that the new option sciences and magics have on the undead.

That is where you come in. The Druids have decided it is time to venture out into the FarLands and take back the lands from the hostile creatures and undead that have held us back for so long. Since you have already ventured out closely to the city they have chosen you as one of the adventurers who are wise and brave enough to take on this task and shared with you some of their knowledge of mechanics, potions and other sciences and magics. But this knowledge should not be taken lightly or abused, or you shall face the wrath of the Druids guardian of justice, the cute but dangerous Lieutenant Griffin...or even the Druids themselves…

You have been summoned to the city to prepare for your journey out into the FarLands. There you will be able to purchase items and necessary supplies to start your journey. You may always revisit the great city in order to buy more supplies, consult the Druids or just alleviate a bit of homesickness