Legacy Codes

Before MiniMessage existed, there was another form of formatting. These used the & and a character to tell what form of formatting you wanted.

It is generally recommended to use MiniMessage for most things since they tend to be nicer to use, but for those who already have the legacy codes memorised, we have kept them in the plugin.


This feature is only enabled for members of the Adept rank and above.


Note: On FarLands, the &0 colour code is disabled for accessibility

Hex Colours

When hexadecimal colour support was added in 1.16, we added a format on FarLands to put these codes in chat.

You can use &#<colour> to put a colour in chat. You can also use a 3 character hexadecimal code. This gets expanded into the full 6 character form: &#5f7 and &#55ff77 are equivalent.

Note: On FarLands, all very dark hex codes are disabled for accessibility


This feature is only enabled for members of the Adept rank and above.


Note: On FarLands, the &k colour code is disabled for accessibility