FarLands Ranks

Our server has many ranks, all of which can be seen below.

Our ranks can be divided into four categories: playtime ranks, specialty ranks, donor ranks, and staff ranks.

Playtime Ranks

There are seven ranks which can be earned by playing on the server. These are referred to as "playtime ranks". Each of these ranks requires some amount of playtime and an advancement.

At any given time, you can see the pending requirements for rankup with /rankup. This will show the advancement and the remaining amount of playtime that you need.

Each time you vote for the server, the time requirement goes down by 1 hour.

All Playtime Ranks

This table shows the playtime ranks and their requirements.

RankAdvancementPlaytimeHomesTP DelayShops/wild Cooldown
Initiate17s03 min
Bardstory/mine_diamond3 hours36s218 min
Esquirestory/enchant_item12 hours56s515 min
Knightnether/get_wither_skull1 day85s1012 min
Sageend/find_end_city3 days105s159 min
Adeptadventure/totem_of_undying6 days124s208 min
Scholaradventure/adventuring_time10 days163s307 min

Specialty Ranks

These ranks are obtainable by all players, though only for special events.

RankHow to obtain
VoterHave the most votes on any given day
BirthdayIt's your birthday! 🎂
MediaSee Media Rank.

Donor Ranks

These ranks are gained by making a donation to the server. Donations are not required, but are greatly appreciated! To read more about donations, see the Donations page.

All donor ranks have all commands from the playtime ranks, with the addition of a few new commands.

A brief summary of the ranks is shown in the table below. For more information, you can click on the rank or scroll down.

RankDonationHomesTP DelayShops/wild Cooldown
Donor10 USD242s406m
Patron30 USD320s503m
60 USD400s501m

Donor (10 USD)

The donor rank gets access to several new commands:

/hatGive yourself a fancy hat using the item in your hand
/particlesMake particles appear around yourself
/echestOpen your ender chest from anywhere

Extra benefits:

  • 15k Claim blocks
  • Special Collectable

Patron (30 USD)

The patron rank gets access to all donor commands and several new ones:

/craftOpen a crafting table or automatically craft something
/stonecutterOpen a stonecutter from anywhere
/extExtinguish yourself from fire

Extra benefits:

  • 60k Claim blocks
  • 30 minute AFK timeout
  • Special Collectable

The sponsor rank gets access to all patron commands and several new ones:

/mendMend your armour and tools on the fly using your xp
/eatEat food from your inventory instantly
/editarmorstandOpen the armor stand editing book from Vanilla Tweaks
/kittycannonGet a cannon which can be used to shoot cats at your friends
/renameitemRename the item in your hand using MiniMessage

Extra benefits:

  • 60k Claim blocks
  • 30 minute AFK timeout
  • Special Collectable

Media Rank

The media rank is a special rank which is crated to those who stream and/or create videos on YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms.

The requirements for this rank are as follows:

  • You need to be monetized by YouTube/Twitch
  • You need to be at least Knight rank
  • Put out at least one MC video a month and/or 1 MC stream a week on FarLands
  • follow all FarLands rules in videos and streams while representing the server.
  • the commands are to be used for making videos and not when you are off-camera

If you stream regularly, but are having difficulty getting monetized, staff may consider approving the rank for qualifying players. This decision will happen internally by staff, and we will contact you if we think you are eligible.

If you think you meet the criteria, but are unsure, you are welcome to message a staff member or ask in #help on the Discord.

Please do not over advertise your streams or vidoes. On the Discord, you may use the #media channel to post your stream or video. Do NOT solicit people for subscriptions/views/etc on the server or in DMs.

Breaking these rules and requirements (such as trolling with the /vanish command) risks losing the rank and if severe misuse the loss of ability to receive the rank ever again.

Staff Ranks

We have 5 full staff ranks and 3 junior staff ranks. The ranks have different purposes and duties, but they are all responsible for moderating the server.

For information about our staff ranks, see Staff.